We travel and explore, get lost, get found, and generally put ourselves in God's hands. We have great fun together and laugh a lot. We think of you, our family and friends and wish you were here with us.
Japan is a vastly different culture from that of the U.S. We think because they dress the same (generally) and use gadgets and gizmos as soon as they're invented, that they are like "us" but the facts are they are very little like "us" in many ways. Yes they still want the big house and they still want prosperity and health but the way they go about getting these things is different.
They marry for different reasons, many still unclear to me. They sometimes live in different cities from each other. They work so many hours the men don't seem to know their children let alone their wives. They seem to have no "real" faith, but are willing to latch on to that of others. They eat and drink things so repulsive to the western eye and palate - even their own, but "it's good for you!" they say and chug it down! They go on vacation to places because they have famous sites or famous foods. If you're there you of course must eat the food, even if it's food you don't like!
The Japanese people are taught to be very polite but hurry past you on the subway or elevator and honk at you if you slow your car at parks (watching for children I have known to run into the street without looking). Every thing truly has a season here, a season to turn off the heat, a season to turn on the air conditioning, a rainy season, a typhoon season and so on. These things only start when the calendar says so. If it's 100 degrees outside but the calendar has not yet reached the day for the season to begin for air conditioning, then you swealter. If rainy season is over by the calendar and it's raining outside the next day, well it's not because it's the rainy season, it's just raining!
So here are our head shaking moments, but some are funny, some are confusing, and some uncomfortable but one deals with them as best one can. Challenging, rewarding, and enlightening all these things we try to absorb.
See you soon I hope! Karen from Texas is coming tomorrow, Ryan and family in June, can't wait! We'll be home in November for the new baby!!! We are her until November of 2009 for those of you who don't know.
Love you our families and friends, We do think about you all daily.
God Bless,
Todd and Sue